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Aloclair Plus Mouthwash is a mouthwash that on the one hand creates a protective film that covers wounds, helping them not to hurt. On the other hand, thanks to the aloe vera and hyaluronic acid contained in this mouthwash for orthodontics, the tissue regenerates much faster, helping to accelerate healing.
La pasta dentífrica parodontax ayuda a detener el sangrado de las encías. El sangrado de las encías es uno de los primeros síntomas de la enfermedad gingival. Si no se trata, esta afección podría terminar provocando la pérdida de dientes. Cepillarse los dientes con la pasta dentífrica con flúor parodontax ayuda a eliminar eficazmente la placa y a detener...
Pack consisting of Desensin Repair Paste 75Ml + Coloturium 500Ml, Formulated with nanoparticles of hydroxyapatite repairs the tooth enamel and eliminates the painful sensation of sensitive teeth. Desensin repair mouthwash offers a double desensitizing action thanks to the innovative DENTAID nanorepair technology based on hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, and...
Vitis Kids Toothpaste Gel 50ml + Toothbrush + Gift